Sunday 5 March 2017

Lack of Education breeds Unemployment, Violence –Ali Baba

Ace comedian Ali Baba’s comments and posts on current affairs on social media often leave the reader wondering if he has not missed his true calling.
Reacting to the persistent xenophobic attacks in South Africa on Instagram on Wednesday, the comedian showed just how African leaders have failed in their duty to the governed.
In the post, Ali Baba blamed the recurring violence in South Africa and Nigeria on lack of education or the absence of good and qualitative education.

He wrote, “The problem with many of the South Africans who are protesting now is poor education. The same thing applies to Nigeria. All the uneducated people always end up becoming a burden to the society or clogs in the wheel of progress.
“As in South Africa, so it is in Nigeria. When you have a group of people who were denied education, chances are their opportunities in life get sliced to very disappointing single digits. Check this out.”
Ali Baba noted that Africa’s uneducated youths were today’s “herdsmen, area boys, thugs, militants, kidnappers, armed robbers, hired killers, yahoo-yahoo (Internet fraudsters) pirates, subsidy thieves and prostitutes”.

He added,“The reason why people like Madibba (the late South African President, Nelson Mandela) had the kind of heart that he had was because he was exposed to education and the core social values of sacrifice and tolerance very early.”
Warning that society often runs into a problem, each time those who ought to be educated are denied education, he continued, “Sadly, it becomes worse when those who didn’t get education see the educated ones as threats to their survival or the reason for their woes. Bear in mind that getting education and having the confidence to sustain the impact is a different ball game. That is why you see someone who has a Masters degree in marketing or business management, even a law degree, finding it hard to feed.”

The popular comedian had a word of advice for African leaders. “Educate the populace and eradicate unemployment. The education of an individual starts when he or she is seven month-old. The battle is almost lost at the age of six,” he concluded.

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